Call the Credit Union at 607-547-5700 or 877-378-6466
then select Option 2 to access the PAT system
Instructions for first time users may be requested by calling the Credit Union @ 607-547-5700 or by e-mailing
The Phone Access Teller system (PAT) lets you:
- Check the balance of your savings, checking or loan accounts;
- Obtain a transaction history;
- Determine if a specific check has cleared;
- Request a withdrawal check;
- Transfer funds and more... day or night... on holidays... over the days a week.
All you need is a touch-tone telephone, your LCU account number and special Personal Identification Number (PIN) which you will set up upon your initial call.
Phone Access Teller system (PAT) is free to LCU members. There are no per transaction or account fees.